Welcome to my Lists Blog

I tend to make a lot of lists but most of them are not very organized. I've decided to try to organize some of them here so that I can share the information that I've collected. I started with my list of tutorials for dollhouse miniatures. I put them in alphabetical order, I labeled them so that I maybe able to find them easily. I hope that you will find it easy to navigate.

Thank you very much to every one who has shared a tutorial or printie for me to organize and re-share.

Please let me know by leaving a comment if you find a link that is wrong or not working.

Please remember that most tutorial and printies are for personal use only and please be kind and give credit when you can.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tutorials - Q


*Quaker outfit, dress, collar and bonnet                     Julie Old Crow 

*Quilts, Hitty, from   Julie Old Crow                          Book          Camp Piney Woods
                                                                                    Christmas square in a square  
                                                                                    heirloom       railroad track
                                                                                    triangle        yo-yo
                                                                                     zig zag 

    *no sew, crazy                                                       Mini Doll list
    *patchwork                                                            The Mini Corner of Mary

*Quilted wall hanging, bear express                          Mini Design blog  

Quilting                                                                      Casey's minis blog    
     sewing on the square                                             Casey's minis blog
     English paper piecing                                            Casey's minis blog   and

                                                                                              Casey's minis blog 

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