Welcome to my Lists Blog

I tend to make a lot of lists but most of them are not very organized. I've decided to try to organize some of them here so that I can share the information that I've collected. I started with my list of tutorials for dollhouse miniatures. I put them in alphabetical order, I labeled them so that I maybe able to find them easily. I hope that you will find it easy to navigate.

Thank you very much to every one who has shared a tutorial or printie for me to organize and re-share.

Please let me know by leaving a comment if you find a link that is wrong or not working.

Please remember that most tutorial and printies are for personal use only and please be kind and give credit when you can.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Printies - Food


Baking supplies - flour, baking powder                     DIY minis blog 
     *Baking soda box                                                  Pinterest      
     and TV dinners                                                      Jennifer's 
     and more                                                                Boop doll 3

Beer can, labels                                                          1/12 scale
Boxes, cereal, pasta                                                    Miniaturama 
Box of chocolates                                                       DIY Minis blog

*Butter and lard boxes, old, 1-1                                 Richard Redhawk 
*Cake/pie box pattern                                                Print Mini  

Cake decorations  from   Print Mini                          round ,    Page 2  and  sheet cake 

Can labels,                                                                  Jennifer's ,   Print Minis
                                                                                    and    Stalbert Minis blog

      old                                                                         Print Mini
     1/6                                                                          My Froggy Stuff blog 
     can of broth                                                            DIY Minis blog 

*Candy corn box, 1/1                                                 Flickr
Candy wrappers - scans of many real wrappers         Mike's 

*Candy wrappers, 1/1                                                 Candy Wrapper Archives 

*Candy wrappers                                                        Toni Ellison blog  
*Carneval biscuit/cookie box                                     Maria Malmstrom blog 
 Cereal boxes                                                               Jennifer's  and  Print Mini 

*Cereal boxes, listing of many 
       collectable cereal box w/ images                          Cereal Box Archive blog
*Cereal, raisin bran                                                      Flickr          

Chinese take out box                                                    Toni Ellison  and  Print Mini - Pattern   

*Chocolates boxes, unique - truck, wagon +               Nuestra Miniature Printable 
*Chocolate frog box                                                     Pinterest   - Box 2   and   Filch's Office blog
*Cinnamon imperials, Brach’s                                     Flickr  

*Coffee cups, to-go                                                      Toni Ellison blog  

Coffee tins                                                                    Maria Malstrom
Cookie boxes, tins (Fr.)                                                Miniaturama 

Cookies, crackers and more                                          Boop doll 3
Donut box                                                                     Print Mini   
Donut box pattern                                                         (See Bags and Boxes)

Fast Food bags and boxes                                            Boop doll 3
Food boxes                                                                   Hitty
Gingerbread house box                                                (See Bags and Boxes) 

*Hamburger Helper boxes,                                          Jason's Flickr  -  Box 2   -   Box 3
                                                                                          Box 4  -  Box 5  -  Box 6  -  Box 7   

Harry Potter, every flavour beans                                Harry Potter Paraphernalia blog 
Ice cream boxes                                                            Hitty 

*Jaw breakers box                                                        Jason's Flickr
*Jelly beans, Brach’s, box                                            Jason's Flickr  
*Jube Jels, Brach’s, box                                               Jason's Flickr 

Juice boxes and soda cans (Fr.)                                    Miniaturama 
K-rations                                                                       Print Mini    
*Large assortment of food and a few other items         J Stam - Picasa  

Lemonade label                                                             J Bartyn 
*Licorice gems box                                                       Jason's Flickr 
*Milk Carton                                                                 Toni Ellison blog 

*Nilla Wafer box                                                           Jason's Flickr
Old Bay seasoning can                                                  DIY Minis blog  
*Peanut butter and jelly labels                                      Toni Ellison blog

*Peanut butter cups, Christmas box                              Jason's Flickr   

Pizza boxes,                                                                   Print Mini     Pattern 
                                                                                       Minna's Dollhouses blog
     *design your own                                                     Zooplies Miniature Haven

Snacks                                                                           Jennifer's
Snack cakes and cookies                                               Boop doll 3
Soda cans                                                                      Wee Tyme  

Spice jars                                                                      DIY Minis blog 
Tea boxes                                                                      DH minis 
Tea tins                                                                         Mini Design blog 

*Tuna Helper box                                                         Jason's Flickr
TV dinners                                                                     Jennifer's 
Vintage Food boxes                                                       Print Mini 
Wine labels                                                                    Sudene                (also see Labels)

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